Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Thank you for that presentation, Ladies. This was the Experiencing the Heart of Jesus small group.  I personally agree that joy can be such a difficult concept to grasp.  I know that you could be in a place right now where there is no joy.  Every Tuesday, I have a meeting to talk over what we have planned for the next few weeks for the Friend to Friend worship time.  We check to see what’s been done or changed, or whose class I need to talk to next.  And for most of this semester, I come in every Tuesday in tears.  Every Monday, at least it feels like it, I am spiritually attacked in the place that hurts me most.  My relationships and my pride.

In fact a couple of weeks ago, I said, “If this is what serving the Lord means, then I’m done.”  I’m so embarrassed to tell you that, Ladies.  A few hours later, I remembered how the Apostle Paul was beaten, shipwrecked, starved, thrown in prison.  In fact he was in prison when he wrote, “Rejoice in the Lord, always.  I will say it again: Rejoice!” Phil 4:4 and “…I have learned to be content whatever the circumstance.” Phil 4:11. And when I think about what Paul suffered for following Christ, and not only him but so many, many other believers, I am ready, I have said I’m ready, to suffer whatever.  Bring it on!

  Then I am hurt.  I get tired and discouraged.  I don’t see the end in sight.  I’m disappointed in myself.

 Remembering my many times of saying that I surrender all, and that I’m willing to suffer whatever to follow Christ, I am embarrassed that I was so quickly discouraged.

A few weeks ago, Pastor Terry here at Calvary Church gave a sermon on joy.  He said there were three things that steal our joy.  One is circumstances.  Boy this one is sure true.  Looking at our circumstances  is a sure fire  way to a deep pit.  A look at our bank account, a fractured marriage, a wayward child, or even the busyness of our life will leave us worried.  I like to remember Peter and how he was actually walking on the water with Jesus.  As long as his focus was on Christ, he was fine.  Then Peter looked at the water.  He looked at his circumstances, and down he went into the sea.  For us it’s just as easily the sea of despair.

A second joy stealer is selfishness.  There’s a paradox going on here that you’ve probably found is true.  The more you try to get for yourself, the less satisfied you feel.  And it’s because we were created with a hole in our hearts that needs to be filled.    And even though we know that we can’t fill it with possessions or relationships, we still try to do it anyway.  I’ll be so much happier when I get a new living room floor.  If only my child would have a friend, I would be content.  The reason that this messes us up, I think, is because it’s partially true.  Those things do give us some happiness.  But it’s temporary, because they don’t fill the deepest longing.  The longing that gives us lasting joy-the longing of our soul-is to be near Jesus.  Our mission then becomes to live for and honor Christ.  So the mission of a new floor, or even to make our child happy, is not going to bring us that lasting joy.

The third joy stealer that Terry mentioned is disappointment.  I think we, as women, do a lot of beating ourselves up.  We become so disappointed in ourselves.  I messed up as a friend, as a parent, a wife, a Christian.  Well, I have two thoughts about that.  One, we’ve all messed up.  God knew we would.  He made a plan for that.  So ask for forgiveness, forgive yourself and move on.  Not so easy?  That brings me to my second thought.  It’s at least true for me. Disappointment in myself is really just pride.  It’s my pride thinking that I should have known better, done better, been better.

And really, on these Tuesday mornings of tears I am looking at my circumstances, I’m thinking about what I want, and I’m disappointed in myself.  However, I have a friend at these meetings.  She listens and she prays for me.  She knows that I will see God in all of this and not wallow for too long.  In fact, I felt like this Tuesday she was waiting for it with a smile on her face.  She knows it’s a spiritual battle.  And we both know who is the victor.  That brings me joy. Speaking with a trusted friend is a great way to restore joy and truth.

The main thing that brings me joy though is prayer.  In prayer, I am reminded of who God is and what He has promised.  Yesterday morning my prayer sounded something like this. "Lord, I am sometimes a screw up, but you already know that, and you Love me! I’m sorry that I let these things get to me, but you know how I am.  Please help me to know truth. God, I don’t need to be in control, because you are in control.  I don’t have to have all the answers because you know all things.  I don’t need to worry because you have a plan.  Help me to focus on what you want me to do and be.  You are not disappointed in me.  Thank you for loving me."

And then comes the joy.  The joy of the Lord.  Joy where I’m looking at Him, not my circumstances.  Joy where I’m looking at God’s mission for me, not what I selfishly want.  Joy where the God of the Universe is not disappointed in me.  The God of Heaven meets me where I am and gives me a new start.   And every time he fills me again with His Joy.

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